A few months back, Blogger announced their new feature "The Dynamic View Templates", lots of Blogger users actually started using it. Dynamic views are great except from lack of customization, on which Blogger is currently working. Previously i shared about how to
change favicon in Dynamic views,
how to customize dynamic views
how to access the widgets layout of dynamic views. Recently I've found a way to access the "Edit HTML" page of dynamic view templates. If you have enabled the Dynamic view template, you might have noticed that there is no way to access the "Edit HTML" page instead you'd be directed towards the Template Editor. In this tutorial I'm going to show you exactly how to access the "Edit HTML" page of your dynamic view enabled blog (Its for both Old and New Blogger UI)
How to Access Edit HTML Page in Dynamic View?
- Go to Blogger
- Click on the Design tab of your Blog (the one having Dynamic Template enabled), your blog will open in template editor rather than the layout page. Copy your blog ID from the link in your address bar, as show below
- Now Paste the Copied blog ID in the link below and visit that using your browser
(For New Blogger User Interface!)
You can find your Blog ID by clicking the blog link in your dashboard and copy the blog id from the address bar and paste in the link above.
That's all, I hope this little info proves helpful to most of you.
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