In my previous posts, I have shared with you, how to submit your Blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools and I also explained how to submit your blog to Yahoo and Bing search engines. Today, I am sharing with you, how to submit the sitemap of your Blogger/Blogspot blog to Bing webmaster tools.
How to Get Started
You must have submitted and verified your blog as explained in my post :"How to add blog to Yahoo and Bing"
Go to :
Log in with your hotmail or live account details
Click on "Webmasters Tools Sign In"
Right under "Sites", click on the blog you want to submit it's sitemap
A new page will open. Click on Crawl ==> Sitemaps (XML, Atom, RSS)
Click on the "Add Feed" button
A new window will pop up. Type in atom.xml in the provided box as seen in the picture below:
Click "Submit"
That's all.
Once approved, your posts will be indexed asap once you publish them.
I hope this helps..
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